How to Write a DirectAnimation Java Applet

See the file in \\DXMedia\Samples\Multimedia\DAnim\Java\Templates\BasicApplet.

Every Microsoft® DirectAnimation® applet has two main pieces: the DXMApplet class and the Model class. The following steps show how to construct and initialize a simple DirectAnimation applet.

  1. Import the media libraries.

    If you import multimedia files using URLs, you must also import the Java libraries with:

  2. Define the applet class. This class extends the DXMApplet class. Then, set the model in the init method. Always call the superclass's init first to ensure that the applet's base URL (the directory in which the applet is located) is set. The model you set with the setModel method is the model that is displayed.
    	// Class: MyApplet
    	class MyApplet extends DXMApplet {
    		public void init() {
          		super.init() ;
        		// Now set the model.
        	setModel(new MyModel());
  3. Define the model class. This class extends the Model class. You construct your animation with the createModel method. The following code example constructs a solid blue image.
    	// Class: MyModel
    	class MyModel extends Model {
       		public void createModel(BvrsToRun blist){
    	// Set the image that actually gets displayed
  4. Compile the code with the Jvc compiler.
  5. Insert the applet in an HTML page.
    	My Applet
    	<applet code=MyApplet.class width=200 height=200>

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