IDABvrHook Interface

IDABvrHook is used with the DABehavior class function, Hook. The DABvrHook object is passed in as an argument and controls the creation of the new behavior.

This interface inherits from IUnknown.

IDABvrHook Methods

NotifyCreates a new behavior that is the sampled value of a behavior.


IDABvrHook Interface

Creates a new behavior that is the sampled value of a behavior. You must implement this method yourself. This method will be called by the system when Hook is called.


    LONG id,
    VARIANT_BOOL startingPerformance,
    double startTime,
    double globalTime,
    double localTime,
    IDABehavior *sampleVal,
    IDABehavior *curRunningBvr,
    IDABehavior **ppBvr


[in] Value that distinguishes one instance of a behavior from another.
[in] Flag that indicates whether this method is being called when the behavior is being started or when the behavior is being sampled.
[in] Time the behavior was first run.
[in] Time the behavior was sampled, in global time.
[in] Time the behavior was sampled, in local time. (If the behavior is sampled when it starts, this value is zero.)
[in] Pointer to the value of the DABehavior object at the time it was sampled. This value is wrapped as a constant behavior.
[in] Pointer to the DABehavior object that is running.
[out] Address of the pointer to the sampled DABehavior object returned to the DABehavior class function Hook.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that indicates the success of the method or the reason why it failed. This HRESULT depends on the implementation of the interface.

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