IDADrawingSurface Interface

The IDADrawingSurface interface is the COM interface that defines the DADrawingSurface class. From the IDADrawingSurface interface you can access all the methods listed in the DADrawingSurface class in the Scripting Reference. This section lists only those methods that you can't access from script, but must access through the COM interface, typically using C++.

This interface inherits from IDABehavior which inherits from IDispatch.

IDADrawingSurface Methods

PolygonEx Draws and fills a polygon using the current fill and border styles. Enables you to use an array, rather than a VARIANT, to specify the points of the polygon. This makes it easier to call from C++.
PolylineEx Draws a set of line segments using the current line style. Enables you to use an array, rather than a VARIANT, to specify the points of the line segments. This makes it easier to call from C++.



Draws and fills a polygon using the current fill style and border style. Enables you to use an array, rather than a VARIANT, to specify the points of the polygon. This makes it easier to call from C++.


HRESULT PolygonEx(
    LONG numPts,
    IDAPoint2 *pts


[in] Number of DAPoint2 objects in the pts array.
[size_is(numPts), in] Pointer to an array of DAPoint2 objects representing the points that define the polygon.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that indicates the success of the method or the reason why it failed. This HRESULT depends on the implementation of the interface.



Draws a set of line segments using the current line style. Enables you to use an array, rather than a VARIANT, to specify the points of the line segments. This makes it easier to call from C++.


HRESULT PolylineEx(
    LONG numPts,
    IDAPoint2 *pts


[in] Number of DAPoint2 objects in the pts array.
[size_is(numPts), in] Pointer to an array of DAPoint2 objects representing the points that define the line segment.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that indicates the success of the method or the reason why it failed. This HRESULT depends on the implementation of the interface.

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