Relative Property

Path Control

Determines whether the path control starts playing from its current position or from the absolute position in the target object's coordinate space. Read/write at run time; write access is available at run time only when the path is stopped.


HTML<PARAM NAME=Relative VALUE=0 | -1 >
ScriptingpathObj.Relative [ = fPos ]

Possible Values

True (–1 or nonzero) or False (0). If True, then the path playback starts from the target's current position. If False, then the path playback starts from the absolute position in the target's coordinate space. (For example, if you are using a Rect path, the absolute position starting point is the top left.) The default value is False.


The Relative property means relative to the target object's position. The target object's position is set to relative or absolute with the STYLE="POSITION: ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE" attribute.


Right-click inside the frame and select View Source to see the HTML code for the Relative property example.

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