Path Control

The Path control is a windowless Microsoft® DirectAnimation® control that animates the position of other controls along a defined vector or spline shape-based path. To use the Path control, you must first instantiate it on the HTML page.

See the appropriate topic for syntax details.

HTML and Scripting Properties

This topic contains a list of the Path control properties and the HTML and scripting syntax for them.


HTML<OBJECT ID=pathObj CLASSID="CLSID:D7A7D7C3-D47F-11d0-89D3-00A0C90833E6"> <PARAM NAME="PropertyName" VALUE="Value"> </OBJECT>

Possible Values

String identifying the Path control object.
One of the Path control properties in the following table.
Valid value for the PropertyName property.
AutoStart Determines whether the Path control starts playback upon loading.
Bounce Sets the path behavior to either reverse direction and return to the beginning, or stop at the end of its playback.
Direction Sets the direction of the path playback.
Duration Sets the duration of the path playback.
Library Retrieves the DirectAnimation library reference.
PlayState Retrieves the path's current playback state. Can be used from Script only.
Relative Determines whether the Path control starts playing from its current position or from the absolute position in the target object's coordinate space.
Repeat Sets the number of times the path loops during playback.
Target Sets the object that will follow the path.
Time Retrieves the elapsed playback time from the start of the path. Can be used from Script only.
TimerInterval Sets or retrieves the length of time, in seconds.milliseconds, between path updates.

HTML and Scripting Methods

This topic contains a list of the Path control methods and the HTML and scripting syntax for them.


HTML<OBJECT ID=pathObj CLASSID="CLSID:D7A7D7C3-D47F-11d0-89D3-00A0C90833E6"> <PARAM NAME="MethodName" VALUE="Parameters"> </OBJECT>

Possible Values

String identifying the Path control object.
One of the Path control methods in the following table.
Valid parameters for the MethodName method. These parameters are separated by commas, as shown in the following HTML example.
<PARAM NAME="AddTimeMarker1" VALUE="0.0, First, 0">
<PARAM NAME="AddTimeMarker2" VALUE="9.0, Fourth, 0">
AddTimeMarker Sets a marker to fire an event when playback reaches the marker position.
KeyFrame Specifies points along the path, in x- and y-coordinates, and a designated time to reach each point.
Oval Specifies an oval structured graphics primitive to be used as the path, with starting point at top center (12 o'clock).
Pause Stops playback and maintains current elapsed time.
Play Begins playback from the current elapsed time.
Polygon Specifies a closed series of line segments to use as the path.
PolyLine Specifies an open set of line segments to use as the path.
Rect Specifies a rectangular structured graphics primitive to use as the path, with starting point at top left.
Seek Resets the current playback position to a new, specified position.
Spline Specifies a spline to be used as the path.
Stop Stops playback at current elapsed time and returns path to the beginning.


This topic lists the Path control events.


Scripting<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR=pathObj EVENT=event
( parameters ) >

Possible Values

String identifying the Path control object.
One of the Path control events in the following table.
Valid parameters for the event.

Note that <!--script--> in the preceding syntax and in the syntax for each event is the script executed if the event occurs.
onmarker Occurs when the path playback reaches a marker at the specified playback position, either when the Path control is playing or when it is stopped (and reaches the marker through a Seek call, for example).
onpause Occurs when path playback pauses.
onplay Occurs when the Path control plays back.
onplaymarker Occurs when path playback reaches a marker at the specified playback position.
onseek Occurs when the Path control completes a Seek call.
onstop Occurs when path playback stops.

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