Occurs when the left mouse button is pushed down while the pointer is within the region contained by the object.
VBScript Sub spriteObj_onmousedown( button, shift, x, y )
End SubJScript <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR=spriteObj EVENT=onmousedown( button, shift, x, y )>
Possible Values
- button
- Bit field indicating whether the left (bit 0), right (bit 1), or middle (bit 2) mouse buttons are pressed. Returns a value that specifies which mouse button was pressed; 0 for no buttons pressed, 1 for left button pressed, 2 for right button pressed, 4 for middle button pressed.
- shift
- Bit field indicating whether the SHIFT (bit 0), CTRL (bit 1), or ALT (bit 2) keys are pressed. Returns a value that specifies the key or keys pressed while the mouse event is taking place; 0 for no key pressed, 1 for SHIFT key pressed, 2 for CTRL key pressed, 3 for SHIFT and CTRL keys pressed simultaneously, 4 for ALT key pressed, 5 for SHIFT and ALT keys pressed simultaneously, 6 for CTRL and ALT keys pressed simultaneously, 7 for SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys pressed simultaneously.
- x, y
- Coordinates that specify the location of the mouse pointer. Coordinates are in pixels, relative to the surrounding container, with the origin in the upper-left corner.
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