Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved in the region contained by the object.
VBScript Sub spriteObj_onmousemove( button, shift, x, y )
End SubJScript <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR=spriteObj EVENT=onmousemove( button, shift, x, y )>
Possible Values
- button
- Bit field indicating whether the left (bit 0), right (bit 1), or middle (bit 2) mouse buttons are pressed. Returns the value of the mouse button pressed while the mouse event is taking place; 0 for no buttons pressed, 1 for left button pressed, 2 for right button pressed, 3 for left and right buttons pressed, 4 for middle button pressed, 5 for left and middle buttons pressed simultaneously, 6 for right and middle buttons pressed simultaneously, 7 for left, right and middle buttons pressed simultaneously.
- shift
- Bit field indicating whether the SHIFT (bit 0), CTRL (bit 1), or ALT (bit 2) keys are pressed. Returns the value of the key pressed while the mouse event is taking place; 0 for no key pressed, 1 for SHIFT key pressed, 2 for CTRL key pressed, 3 for SHIFT and CTRL keys pressed simultaneously, 4 for ALT key pressed, 5 for SHIFT and ALT keys pressed simultaneously, 6 for CTRL and ALT keys pressed simultaneously, 7 for SHIFT, CTRL and ALT keys pressed simultaneously.
- x, y
- Coordinates that specify the location of the mouse pointer. Coordinates are in pixels, relative to the surrounding container, with the origin in the upper-left corner.
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