The Sprite control enables you to create and control image-source-based, flip-book-style animation for an HTML page, and enables you to have frame-by-frame control over your animation. You can set markers to trigger events at desired points in sprite playback or create individual mouse events for each frame of the animation. To use the Sprite control you must first instantiate it on the HTML page.
See the appropriate topic for syntax details.
A Sprite control renders its visual display based on a source file that contains a series of frames. Each frame contains one of the images used to create the animation. This image can be a separate image file or part of a file that provides images for multiple frames in a sequential strip. The file providing the images for a sprite is known as the sprite source.
The images used for a Sprite control can be in different formats. For example, you can use images in .gif, .jpg, .png (Portable Network Graphics), and .wmf (Microsoft® Windows® metafile) formats. You can't mix image formats within the same sprite source, but you can change the sprite source image dynamically.
A Sprite control can use a frame map to define a specific order in which to display frames. The frame map also defines how long each frame is displayed. If the sprite does not include a frame map, frames are displayed in their order of appearance within the image source file, and each frame appears for the same length of time, as specified by the TimerInterval property.
A Sprite control will not begin its animation sequence until all of its media is downloaded.
This topic contains a list of the Sprite control properties and the HTML and scripting syntax for them. Note that some properties can only be used in script.
CLASSID="clsid: FD179533-D86E-11d0-89D6-00A0C90833E6">
<PARAM NAME="PropertyName" VALUE="Value">
</OBJECT>Scripting spriteObj.PropertyName=Value
Possible Values
- spriteObj
- String identifying the Sprite control object.
- PropertyName
- One of the Sprite control properties in the following table.
- Value
- Valid value for the PropertyName property.
Property | Description |
AutoStart | Determines whether the sprite starts playback upon loading. |
ColorKey | Sets the transparency color for a source image. |
FinalFrame | Sets the sprite to display a designated frame when playback is stopped. |
Frame | Retrieves the sprite image frame currently displayed (script only). |
FrameMap | Sets or retrieves the order in which sprite frames play back, and the length of time each frame is displayed. |
Image | Sets or retrieves a Microsoft DirectAnimation® image from the Sprite control (script only). |
InitialFrame | Sets or retrieves the frame number that the sprite displays when it becomes visible. |
Library | Retrieves the DirectAnimation Library reference (script only). |
MaximumRate | Sets or retrieves the sprite's maximum rendering rate (number of times the control will render per second). |
MouseEventsEnabled | Sets or retrieves whether the sprite responds to mouse events. |
NumFrames | Sets or retrieves the number of frames in the sprite source. |
NumFramesAcross | Sets or retrieves the width (in frames) of the sprite source. |
NumFramesDown | Sets or retrieves the length (in frames) of the sprite source. |
PlayRate | Sets or retrieves the sprite's playback speed. |
PlayState | Retrieves the sprite's playback state, whether stopped, playing, or paused. Can be used from Script only. |
Repeat | Sets or retrieves the number of times the sprite will loop during playback. |
SourceURL | Sets or retrieves the URL that points to the sprite source image. |
Time | Retrieves the elapsed playback time for the sprite, including looping. Can be used from Script only. |
TimerInterval | Sets or retrieves the length of time between frames, (in milliseconds) for the sprite's rendering. |
UseColorKey | Sets or retrieves whether to use the sprite's transparency information. |
This topic contains a list of the Sprite control methods and the HTML and scripting syntax for them. Note that some properties can only be used in script.
CLASSID="clsid: FD179533-D86E-11d0-89D6-00A0C90833E6">
<PARAM NAME="MethodName" VALUE="Parameters">
</OBJECT>Scripting spriteObj.MethodName(Parameters)
Possible Values
- spriteObj
- String identifying the Sprite control object.
- MethodName
- One of the Sprite control methods in the following table.
- Parameters
- Valid parameters for the MethodName method. These parameters are separated by commas, as shown in the following HTML example.
<PARAM NAME="AddTimeMarker1" VALUE="1, West, 0"> <PARAM NAME="AddTimeMarker2" VALUE="2, Atlantic, 0"> <PARAM NAME="AddTimeMarker3" VALUE="3, East, 0"> <PARAM NAME="AddTimeMarker4" VALUE="4, Pacific, 0">
Method | Description |
AddTimeMarker | Sets a marker to fire an event when playback reaches the designated time. |
FrameSeek | Sets the sprite playback to a specific frame. |
Pause | Stops playback at the current frame and maintains current frame position. |
Play | Begins playback from the current frame. |
Seek | Sets the sprite playback to a specific elapsed time. |
Stop | Ends playback at the current frame. |
This topic contains a list of the Sprite control events.
Scripting <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR=spriteObj EVENT=event ( parameters ) >
Possible Values
- spriteObj
- String identifying the Sprite control object.
- event
- One of the Sequencer control events in the following table.
- Parameters
- Valid parameters for the event.
Note that <!--script--> in the preceding syntax and in the syntax for each event is the script executed if the event occurs.
Event | Description |
onclick | Occurs when the user clicks the sprite once. |
ondblclick | Occurs when the user double-clicks the sprite. |
onframeseek | Occurs after the FrameSeek method has been called. |
onmarker | Occurs when a time marker has been reached, either during sprite playback or when stopped. |
onmedialoaded | Occurs when a piece of sprite media is completely downloaded. |
onmousedown | Occurs when the user presses the mouse button down while the mouse pointer is over a sprite. |
onmousemove | Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer across the sprite's nontransparent area. |
onmouseout | Occurs when the cursor leaves the sprite's nontransparent area. |
onmouseover | Occurs when the cursor enters a nontransparent area of the sprite. |
onmouseup | Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while the mouse pointer is over a sprite. |
onpause | Occurs when sprite playback pauses. |
onplay | Occurs when the sprite begins playback. |
onplaymarker | Occurs when a time marker is reached during sprite playback. |
onseek | Occurs after the Seek method is called. |
onstop | Occurs when the sprite playback stops. |
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