MouseEventsEnabled Property

Determines whether mouse events will be processed against the object. Mouse events are processed against the visible pixels of the structured graphic object. Read/write at run time; write access is available at run time only when the control is stopped.


HTML<PARAM NAME="MouseEventsEnabled" VALUE="0 | 1">
ScriptingSGObj.MouseEventsEnabled [=fBoolean]

Possible Values

0 | 1, fBoolean
Boolean flag that specifies whether to process mouse events. In HTML PARAM tags, the possible values are 0 (False) or nonzero (True). In script, the flag can support either 0 or False, 1 (a nonzero value) or True. The default is False.


Mouse events are z-order dependent. For example, if you have two objects positioned on top of each other, whichever object has a higher z-order will receive the mouse event when the user clicks, releases, or moves over that region.

Enabling this property turns on a 1-bit bit mask for the Structured Graphics control that slows down its rendering when it's being manipulated. For optimal performance, turn this property off unless you're specifically using it. Mouse events are not processed against the outline of the shape.

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