SetFillStyle Method

Structured Graphics Control

Sets the type for a fill.


HTML<PARAM NAME="Line0001" VALUE="SetFillStyle( type )">
ScriptingSGObj.SetFillStyle( type )
FileSetFillStyle( type )


Sets the fill type where type is one of the following values.
0 Null
1 Solid
3 Hatch horizontal
4 Hatch vertical
5 Hatch forward diagonal
6 Hatch backward diagonal
7 Hatch cross
8 Hatch diagonal cross
9 Horizontal gradient
10 Vertical gradient
11 Radial gradient
12 Line gradient
13 Rectangular gradient
14 Shaped gradient


Based on the value set for type, you can use the SetHatchFill or SetGradientFill methods to set properties for the selected fill type.


The following example fills the shape with a solid fill.

<PARAM NAME="Line0001" VALUE="SetFillStyle(1)">

Right-click inside the frame and choose View Source to see the HTML code for this example.

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