BooleanBvr Class

A BooleanBvr is an object that represents a boolean behavior. At any given time, the value of the behavior is either true or false.

For more information about behaviors, see the Behavior class.

For relevant methods and fields from the Statics class, see the following topics.

BooleanBvr Methods

extract Extracts the value of the behavior, returning a Java object.
newUninitBvr Makes it possible to refer to a boolean behavior before that behavior has been defined.


BooleanBvr Class

Extracts the value of the behavior, returning a Java object. This behavior must have a constant value.


public Object extract( );

Return Value

Returns a Java object. For more information about java.lang.Object objects, consult a Java reference.


BooleanBvr Class

Makes it possible to refer to a boolean behavior before that behavior has been defined. With this method you can create the behavior and use it in the definition of other behaviors, but not actually define its contents until some later point. (This is accomplished with the init method, which is available on all behaviors.) The system generates a run-time error if you initialize a non-uninitialized behavior, initialize an uninitialized behavior that has already been initialized, or run an initialized behavior that has not yet been initialized.


public static BooleanBvr newUninitBvr( );

Return Value

Returns the BooleanBvr object.

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