LineStyleBvr Class

Creates an object that represents a linestyle behavior. The behavior defines the various line styles to use when drawing lines. These styles include the shape of the end of a line, the shape of joints between intersecting lines, the width of the line, and whether the line is drawn with a continuous stroke or as a sequence of dashes.

You use linestyle behaviors with the draw method of the Path2Bvr class.

For relevant fields from the Statics class, see Statics Fields Relevant to LineStyleBvr Objects.

LineStyleBvr Methods

color Determines the color of a LineStyleBvr object.
dash Creates a linestyle behavior that is the result of applying the given dashstyle behavior to the existing linestyle.
detail Creates a detail linestyle behavior from an existing linestyle.
end Creates a linestyle behavior that is the result of applying the given endstyle to the existing linestyle.
join Creates a linestyle behavior that is the result of applying the given joinstyle behavior to the existing linestyle.
lineAntialiasing Determines whether the line will be antialiased.
width Creates a linestyle behavior from an existing linestyle by setting the width of line to the given amount, expressed in points.
newUninitBvr Enables you to refer to a LineStyleBvr behavior before that behavior has been defined.


LineStyleBvr Class

Determines the color of a LineStyleBvr object. The default color is black.


public LineStyleBvr color( ColorBvr color );


ColorBvr object that sets the color of the line. The default color is black.

Return Value

Returns the LineStyleBvr object.


LineStyleBvr Class

Creates a linestyle behavior that is the result of applying the given dashstyle behavior to the existing linestyle. By default, the dashstyle is solid.


public LineStyleBvr dash( DashStyleBvr ds );


DashStyleBvr object that represents the dashstyle behavior to apply.

Return Value

Returns the LineStyleBvr object.


LineStyleBvr Class

Creates a detail linestyle behavior from an existing linestyle. A detail linestyle is not changed by image scaling operations. By default, the detail linestyle is on. This means it is the default style and it has no width.


public LineStyleBvr detail( );

Return Value

Returns the LineStyleBvr object.


Any width or any endstyle or joinstyle behavior associated with the existing linestyle is discarded when creating the new line style.


LineStyleBvr Class

Creates a linestyle behavior that is the result of applying the given endstyle to the existing linestyle. By default, the endstyle is flat.


public LineStyleBvr end( EndStyleBvr es );


EndStyleBvr object that represents the endstyle behavior to apply.

Return Value

Returns the LineStyleBvr object.


LineStyleBvr Class

Creates a linestyle behavior that is the result of applying the given joinstyle behavior to the existing linestyle. By default, the joinstyle is beveled.


public LineStyleBvr join( JoinStyleBvr js );


JoinStyleBvr object that represents the joinstyle behavior to apply.

Return Value

Returns the LineStyleBvr object.


LineStyleBvr Class

Determines whether the line will be antialiased.


public LineStyleBvr lineAntialiasing( double antiAliasing );


A double value that specifies whether or not there will be antialiasing. A 0 (the default value) means there is no antialiasing and a 1 means there is.

Return Value

Returns the FontStyleBvr object.


LineStyleBvr Class

Creates a linestyle behavior from an existing linestyle by setting the width of line to the given amount, expressed in points. If the result is a line less than 1 pixel wide, the line will always be a detail line.


public LineStyleBvr width( NumberBvr width );


NumberBvr object that represents the width of the line, in points. This parameter can also be of type double.

Return Value

Returns the LineStyleBvr object.


This attribute overrides detail.


LineStyleBvr Class

Enables you to refer to a LineStyleBvr behavior before that behavior has been defined. With this method you can create the behavior and use it in the definition of other behaviors, but not actually define its contents until some later point. (This is accomplished with the init method, which is available on all behaviors.) The system generates a run-time error if you initialize a non-uninitialized behavior, initialize an uninitialized behavior that has already been initialized, or run an initialized behavior that has not yet been initialized.


public static LineStyleBvr newUninitBvr( );

Return Value

Returns the LineStyleBvr object.

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