DAStatics Functions Relevant to DAColor Objects

ColorHsl Creates a DAColor object that represents a color described by its hue, saturation, and lightness values. Same as ColorHslAnim except that h, s, and l are nonanimated numbers (doubles).
ColorHslAnim Creates a DAColor object that represents a color described by its hue, saturation, and lightness values.
ColorRgb Creates a DAColor object that represents a color described by its red, green, and blue intensity values. Same as ColorRgbAnim except that r, g, and b are nonanimated numbers (doubles).
ColorRgbAnim Creates a DAColor object that represents a color described by its red, green, and blue intensity values.
ColorRgb255 Creates a DAColor object that represents a color described by its red, green, and blue intensity values. These values can be in the range [0, 255].


DAStatics Class

Creates a DAColor object that represents a color described by its hue, saturation, and lightness values. Same as ColorHslAnim except that h, s, and l are nonanimated numbers (doubles).


lib.ColorHsl( h, s, l )


A double value specifying the hue or base color. 0.0 is red, 0.33 is green, and 0.67 is blue. This number is considered "modulo 1," which means, for example, that the numbers 1.67, and 0.67 are both considered to be 0.67. This is a nonanimated number.
A double value specifying saturation or intensity of the hue. If saturation is 0.0, the color produced is gray regardless of the hue value. This is a nonanimated number.
A double value specifying lightness or amount of white in the color. If lightness is 1.0, the color produced is white regardless of the hue and saturation values. Similarly, if lightness is 0.0, the color is black. This is a nonanimated number.

Return Value

Returns the DAColor object.


DAStatics Class

Creates a DAColor object that represents a color described by its hue, saturation, and lightness values. The object's value at any given time depends on the values of h, s, and l.


lib.ColorHslAnim( h, s, l )


DANumber object specifying the hue or base color. 0.0 is red, 0.33 is green, and 0.67 is blue. This number is considered "modulo 1," which means, for example, that the numbers 1.67, and 0.67 are both considered to be 0.67. This value must be an animated number.
DANumber object specifying saturation or intensity of the hue. If saturation is 0.0, the color produced is gray regardless of the hue value. This value must be an animated number.
DANumber object specifying lightness or amount of white in the color. If lightness is 1.0, the color produced is white regardless of the hue and saturation values. Similarly, if lightness is 0.0, the color is black. This value must be an animated number.

Return Value

Returns the DAColor object.


Hue, saturation, and lightness values can range from 0.0 to 1.0. If the corresponding number behavior has a value outside this range, then the number is considered modulo 1.

See Also



DAStatics Class

Creates a DAColor object that represents a color described by its red, green, and blue intensity values. Same as ColorRgbAnim except that r, g, and b are nonanimated numbers (doubles).


lib.ColorRgb( r, g, b )


r, g, and b
Values specifying the red, green, and blue values, respectively. The value of each specifies that color's intensity, with 0.0 for no color and 1.0 for the highest possible intensity. These values are nonanimated numbers (double values).

Return Value

Returns the DAColor object.


DAStatics Class

Creates a DAColor object that represents a color described by its red, green, and blue intensity values. The object's value at any given time depends on the values of r, g, and b.


lib.ColorRgbAnim( r, g, b )


r, g, and b
DANumber objects specifying the red, green, and blue values, respectively. The value of each specifies that color's intensity, with 0.0 for no color and 1.0 for the highest possible intensity. These values must be animated numbers.

Return Value

Returns the DAColor object.


Intensity values can range from 0.0 to 1.0. If the corresponding number behavior has a value outside this range, the integer part of the value is discarded and only the fractional part is used.

See Also



DAStatics Class

Creates a DAColor object that represents a color described by its red, green, and blue intensity values. The behavior's value at any given time depends on the values of r, g, and b. These values can be in the range [0, 255].


lib.ColorRgb255( r, g, b )


r, g, and b
Numbers (integers) specifying the red, green, and blue values, respectively. The value of each specifies that color's intensity, with 0 for no color and 255 for the highest possible intensity.

Return Value

Returns the DAColor object.

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