DATransform3 Class

Just as a DATransform2 transforms one two-dimensional object into another two-dimensional object, a DATransform3 transforms one three-dimensional object into another three-dimensional object. Other transforms include the Render function, which transforms three-dimensional objects into two-dimensional objects, and the project function, which transforms a three-dimensional point into a two-dimensional point.

This class inherits from the DABehavior class.

For relevant functions and properties from the DAStatics class, see the following topics.

DATransform3 Functions

InverseCreates a transformation that is the inverse of the original transformation.
ParallelTransform2Creates a DATransform2 object from the DATransform3 object.

DATransform3 Properties

IsSingularA read-only property with a DABoolean value indicating whether the transform is singular.

DATransform3 Functions

This section contains reference material for the DATransform3 functions.


DATransform3 Class

Creates a transformation that is the inverse of the original transformation. The inverse transformation is useful for removing the effects of the original transformation from a three-dimensional object. Use IsSingular to characterize transforms of an unknown type.


transform3Obj.Inverse( )

Return Value

Returns the DATransform3 object.


DATransform3 Class

Creates a DATransform2 object from the DATransform3 object. It is equivalent to casting an orthographic projection of the DATransform3 onto the X-Y plane. For predictable results, the transform must be an affine (4 by 3) transform rather than a perspective (4 by 4) transform.


transform3Obj.ParallelTransform2( )

Return Value

Returns the DATransform2 object.

DATransform3 Properties

This section contains reference material for the DATransform3 properties.


DATransform3 Class

A read-only property with a DABoolean value indicating whether the transform is singular. A singular transform is one that has no inverse. The value is TRUE if the transform is singular; otherwise, it is FALSE.



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