Windows Media Player Control

The information in this article applies only to the Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player control shipped with the Microsoft® DirectX® Media 6.0 SDK. For more current information, see the Microsoft Windows Media Player redistribution page.

The Windows Media Player control contained in Msdxm.ocx is a Microsoft® ActiveX® control used to add multimedia playback to applications and Web pages. It provides a way to render a variety of network streaming and nonstreaming multimedia formats, such as the streaming formats MPEG-1, MPEG-2, ASF (Advanced Streaming Format), VOD (Video On Demand), and the nonstreaming formats AVI, MIDI, WAV, SND, Indeo 5, and Apple QuickTime® (.qt, .mov), version 2 and earlier. The Windows Media Player incorporates many of the features of the ActiveMovie control and the control for earlier versions of Windows Media Player, as well as many new features. For more information about the Windows Media Player, see the Windows Media Player control documentation.

The DirectX Media 6.0 SDK includes a number of packages for redistribution of the Windows Media Player. For more information, see Windows Media Player Redistribution Information, which contains information about the 6.0 version only. For more current information, see the Microsoft Windows Media Player redistribution page.

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