The AVI MUX filter takes the input from one or more media streams, converts the data if necessary, and combines it to produce a single output data stream in Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) format. This filter's output pin must be connected to the File Writer filter.

The AVI MUX's default behavior produces an AVI 1.0 format interleaved data stream. Use the IConfigAviMux interface to change the compatibility index. Use the IConfigInterleaving interface to configure the interleaving parameters.

The filter's property sheet contains the following:

Interleaving Interleaving Controls the level of interleaving between the source media files; you can specify the level of interleaving: none, capture, or full.
Interleaving Parameters Sets the audio preroll and interleaving frequency (measured in milliseconds).
Throughput Statistics Displays the number of dropped frames on the output data stream.
AVI Specific Capture Drift: master stream Enable and disable Capture Drift on the specified master stream.
AVI Out Preferred Media Types Displays the major type, subtype, and format of the output data stream.
Input 0X Preferred Media Types Displays the major type, subtype, and format of the specified input data stream.

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