Cutlist Sample Applications

This article describes the cutlist sample applications included with the Microsoft® DirectX® Media SDK.

This article contains the following sections.

CLText Sample (Text Cutlist Application)

The text cutlist (CLText) sample reads a list of up to 150 cutlist elements (video or audio clips) from a text file and plays them.

This sample demonstrates how to use the ICutListGraphBuilder, IStandardCutList, and IFileClip interfaces.

Sample Locations

Simplecl Sample (Cutlist Application)

The simple cutlist (Simplecl) sample demonstrates how to use cutlists. Simplecl provides a File Open dialog box from which the user can choose a file to add to a cutlist. For each file, the user specifies a starting position and ending position for the clip. For every AVI file specified, the sample tries to add the first video stream and the first audio stream to its respective cutlist. The user must add at least two files, and then can run the filter graph and see the clips played sequentially.

This sample demonstrates how to use the ICutListGraphBuilder, IStandardCutList, and IFileClip interfaces.

Sample Locations

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