CBaseControlVideo Class

CBaseControlVideo class hierarchy

The CBaseControlVideo class implements the IBasicVideo dual interface and controls the video properties of a generic video window. Generally, a CBaseControlVideo object is a video renderer that draws video into a window on the display.

The CBaseControlVideo class supports both properties and methods. Properties are more easily accessible from many Automation controllers (such as the Microsoft® Visual Basic® programming system). However, some operations require applications to be able to change several properties simultaneously; for this reason, methods are provided that enable a number of related properties to be changed.

Many CBaseControlVideo member functions require only that the video renderer be connected to a filter graph. If it is not connected, member functions will return VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED. Properties set on a video renderer persist between successive connections and disconnections. All applications should ensure that they reset the renderer properties before starting a presentation.

When working with video, the application can select a portion of the video to use. This portion is the source rectangle that the CBaseControlVideo object controls. CBaseControlVideo enables your application to set and retrieve the source rectangle. All the rectangles that CBaseControlVideo uses employ top, left, width, and height rather than top, left, right, and bottom, which is favored in Microsoft Win32® programming. When no source rectangle has been set, the properties of the source rectangle return the full, native video size.

Protected Data Members

m_pFilter Pointer to an owning media filter.
m_pInterfaceLock Externally defined critical section.
m_pPin Control of the media types for connection.

Member Functions

CBaseControlVideo Constructs a CBaseControlVideo object.
CopyImage Creates a memory copy of a video image.
GetImageSize Retrieves video image size information.
SetControlVideoPin Sets the pin with which this object should synchronize.

Overridable Member Functions

CheckSourceRect Determines if a source rectangle is valid.
CheckTargetRect Determines if a target rectangle is valid.
GetSourceRect Retrieves the current source video rectangle (pure virtual).
GetStaticImage Returns the current image in a memory buffer (pure virtual).
GetTargetRect Retrieves the current target video rectangle (pure virtual).
GetVideoFormat Retrieves the VIDEOINFOHEADER structure containing the video format.
IsDefaultSourceRect Determines if the renderer is using the default source rectangle (pure virtual).
IsDefaultTargetRect Determines if the renderer is using the default target rectangle (pure virtual).
OnUpdateRectangles Called when the source or target rectangle changes.
OnVideoSizeChange Passes EC_VIDEO_SIZE_CHANGED to the application.
SetDefaultSourceRect Sets the default source video rectangle (pure virtual).
SetDefaultTargetRect Sets the default target video rectangle (pure virtual).
SetSourceRect Sets the current source video rectangle (pure virtual).
SetTargetRect Sets the current target rectangle (pure virtual).

Implemented IBasicVideo Methods

get_AvgTimePerFrame Retrieves an approximate average time per frame.
get_BitErrorRate Retrieves an approximate bit error rate.
get_BitRate Retrieves an approximate bit rate for the video.
GetCurrentImage Retrieves a memory rendering of the current image.
get_DestinationHeight Retrieves the current destination rectangle's height.
get_DestinationLeft Retrieves the current destination rectangle's left coordinate.
GetDestinationPosition Retrieves the current destination position.
get_DestinationTop Retrieves the current destination rectangle's top coordinate.
get_DestinationWidth Retrieves the current destination rectangle's width.
get_SourceHeight Retrieves the current source rectangle's height.
get_SourceLeft Retrieves the current source rectangle's left coordinate.
GetSourcePosition Retrieves the current source position.
get_SourceTop Retrieves the current source rectangle's top coordinate.
get_SourceWidth Retrieves the current source rectangle's width.
get_VideoHeight Retrieves the native video height.
GetVideoPaletteEntries Retrieves a range of palette entries for the video.
GetVideoSize Retrieves the width and height of the native video.
get_VideoWidth Retrieves the native video width.
IsUsingDefaultDestination Determines if the renderer is using the default destination window.
IsUsingDefaultSource Determines if the renderer is using the default source window.
put_DestinationHeight Sets the destination rectangle's height.
put_DestinationLeft Sets the destination rectangle's left coordinate.
put_DestinationTop Sets the destination rectangle's top coordinate.
put_DestinationWidth Sets the destination rectangle's width.
put_SourceHeight Sets the source rectangle's height.
put_SourceLeft Sets the source rectangle's left coordinate.
put_SourceTop Sets the source rectangle's top coordinate.
put_SourceWidth Sets the source rectangle's width.
SetDefaultDestinationPosition Sets the default destination position again.
SetDefaultSourcePosition Sets the default source position again.
SetDestinationPosition Sets the destination rectangle position.
SetSourcePosition Sets the source rectangle position.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Constructs a CBaseControlVideo object.


    CBaseFilter *pFilter,
    CCritSec *pInterfaceLock,
    TCHAR *pName,
    HRESULT *phr


Pointer to the owning media filter object.
Pointer to the critical section to use for locking.
Pointer to the object description.
Typical COM ownership.
Pointer to the COM return value.

Return Value

No return value.


The object implements the IBasicVideo control interface.

All the interface methods from IBasicVideo that this class implements require that the filter be connected correctly. For this reason, the class is passed a pin with which it should synchronize with. Whenever an interface method is called, the object determines that the pin is still connected.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Determines if a source rectangle is valid.


virtual HRESULT CheckSourceRect(
    RECT *pSourceRect


Pointer to the source rectangle to check.

Return Value

Returns E_INVALIDARG if not valid; otherwise, returns NOERROR (S_OK).


This member function checks that the source rectangle requested does not exceed the available source video. The left and top coordinates cannot be negative, and the width and height cannot exceed the right and bottom of the video.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Determines if a target rectangle is valid.


virtual HRESULT CheckTargetRect(
    RECT *pTargetRect


Pointer to the target rectangle to check.

Return Value

Returns E_INVALIDARG if not valid; otherwise, returns NOERROR (S_OK).


This member function determines if the target rectangle requested is valid. Because the destination rectangle specifies a position in the logical client of the window, the coordinates can be negative, although the overall width and height cannot be zero or a negative value.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Creates a memory copy of an image.


HRESULT CopyImage(
    IMediaSample *pMediaSample,
    LONG *pBufferSize,
    BYTE *pVideoImage,
    RECT *pSourceRect


Pointer to the sample containing the video image.
Pointer to the format representing the video image.
Pointer to the size of the output buffer.
Pointer to the output buffer.
Pointer to the source video rectangle.

Return Value

If the pVideoImage parameter is NULL, the pBufferSize parameter is filled in with the number of bytes the output buffer requires to store the image. If the buffer passed in is too small or the member function fails to allocate sufficient memory, the member function returns E_OUTOFMEMORY.


The member function retrieves the image from the sample and copies it into the output buffer. The section of video copied into the output buffer reflects the source rectangle that is set through the IBasicVideo interface (although it does not reflect the destination rectangle).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the average time per frame.


HRESULT get_AvgTimePerFrame(
    REFTIME *pAvgTimePerFrame


Pointer to the average time per frame.

Return Value

Returns NOERROR if successful or E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory available.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_AvgTimePerFrame method. It calls the pure virtual CBaseControlVideo::GetVideoFormat member function to retrieve the VIDEOINFOHEADER structure from the derived class.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves an approximate bit error rate for the video.


HRESULT get_BitErrorRate(
    long *pBitErrorRate


Pointer to the bit error rate (one error for approximately this many bits).

Return Value

Returns NOERROR if successful or E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory available.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_BitErrorRate method. It calls the pure virtual CBaseControlVideo::GetVideoFormat to retrieve the VIDEOINFOHEADER structure from the derived class.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves an approximate bit rate for the video.


HRESULT get_BitRate(
    long *pBitRate


Pointer to the bit rate, in bits per second.

Return Value

Returns NOERROR if successful or E_OUTOFMEMORY if not enough memory is available.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_BitRate method. It calls the pure virtual CBaseControlVideo::GetVideoFormat to retrieve the VIDEOINFOHEADER structure from the derived class.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves a copy of the current image at the renderer.


HRESULT GetCurrentImage(
    long *pBufferSize,
    long *pVideoImage


Pointer to the size of the output buffer.
Pointer to the output buffer for the image.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory. Returned when the pVideoInfo parameter is NULL.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_PAUSED The operation could not be performed because the filter is not paused.


This member function retrieves the image from the sample and copies it into the output buffer. The section of video copied into the output buffer reflects the source rectangle set through the IBasicVideo interface. It does not reflect the destination rectangle.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the current destination rectangle height.


HRESULT get_DestinationHeight(
    long *pDestinationHeight


Pointer to the destination height.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
NOERROR Success.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_DestinationHeight method.

An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where it will be played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window that it is playing in. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the left coordinate of the current destination rectangle.


HRESULT get_DestinationLeft(
    long *pDestinationLeft


Pointer to the left coordinate of the destination rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
NOERROR Success.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_DestinationLeft method.

An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the destination rectangle in one atomic operation.


HRESULT GetDestinationPosition(
    long *pLeft,
    long *pTop,
    long *pWidth,
    long *pHeight


Pointer to the left coordinate of the destination rectangle.
Pointer to the top coordinate of the destination rectangle.
Pointer to the width of the destination rectangle.
Pointer to the height of the destination rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
NOERROR Success.


This member function can be used in place of separate calls to the CBaseControlVideo::get_DestinationLeft, CBaseControlVideo::get_DestinationTop, CBaseControlVideo::get_DestinationWidth, and CBaseControlVideo::get_DestinationHeight member functions. An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the top coordinate of the current destination rectangle.


HRESULT get_DestinationTop(
    long *pDestinationTop


Pointer to the top coordinate of the destination rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
NOERROR Success.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_DestinationTop method.

An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the width of the current destination rectangle.


HRESULT get_DestinationWidth(
    long *pDestinationWidth


Pointer to the destination width.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
NOERROR Success.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_DestinationWidth method.

An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves video image size information.


HRESULT GetImageSize(
    long *pBufferSize,
    RECT *pSourceRect


Pointer to a VIDEOINFOHEADER structure to be filled in.
Pointer to the size of the video buffer.
Pointer to the rectangle dimensions of the source video.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument. The data format is not compatible.
E_UNEXPECTED Unexpected error occurred. One or more arguments are NULL.
NOERROR Success.


This member function is a helper function used for creating memory image renderings of DIB images. It is called from the base class implementation of CBaseControlVideo::GetCurrentImage when a null pVideoImage parameter is passed to that member function. As a result, this member function constructs and returns a VIDEOINFOHEADER structure, using the information in pBufferSize and pSourceRect.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the height of the current source rectangle.


HRESULT get_SourceHeight(
    long *pSourceHeight


Pointer to the height of the source rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
NOERROR Success.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_SourceHeight method.

An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the left coordinate of the current source rectangle.


HRESULT get_SourceLeft(
    long *pSourceLeft


Pointer to the left coordinate of the current source rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
NOERROR Success.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the position and dimensions of the source rectangle in one atomic operation.


HRESULT GetSourcePosition(
    long *pLeft,
    long *pTop,
    long *pWidth,
    long *pHeight


Pointer to the left coordinate of the source rectangle.
Pointer to the top coordinate of the source rectangle.
Pointer to the width of the source rectangle.
Pointer to the height of the source rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
NOERROR Success.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the source rectangle. This is an internal method.


virtual HRESULT GetSourceRect(
    RECT *pSourceRect
    ) PURE;


Pointer to the retrieved source rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function must be overridden in the derived class to return the source rectangle held by the video renderer. It is called from the following CBaseControlVideo member functions.

The following example from the video renderer sample, SampVid, demonstrates an implementation of this function in a derived class.

// Return the current source rectangle

HRESULT CVideoText::GetSourceRect(RECT *pSourceRect)
    return NOERROR;

In this example, CVideoText is a class derived from CBaseControlVideo, m_pRenderer holds an object of a class derived from CBaseVideoRenderer, and the m_DrawImage data member, defined in the derived class, holds a CDrawImage object.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the top coordinate of the current source rectangle.


HRESULT get_SourceTop(
    long *pSourceTop


Pointer to the top coordinate of the source rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
NOERROR Success.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_SourceTop method.

An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the width of the current source rectangle.


HRESULT get_SourceWidth(
    long *pSourceWidth


Pointer to the width of the current source rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
NOERROR Success.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_SourceWidth method.

An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Pure virtual method that derived classes override.


virtual HRESULT GetStaticImage(
    long *pBufferSize,
    long *pDIBImage
    ) PURE;


Pointer to the size of the output buffer.
Pointer to the output buffer.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value.


Through the IBasicVideo interface, an application can request that it be given a copy of the current image in a memory buffer (some renderers can return E_NOTIMPL to this if they do not support it). The derived class determines how to retrieve the image. When the application calls CBaseControlVideo::GetStaticImage, it calls this pure virtual method that the derived class should override to implement it. This is also called by the CBaseControlVideo::GetCurrentImage member function.

The class provides a helper member function, CBaseControlVideo::CopyImage, that can be given a sample that contains an image, and the member function will copy the relevant section of it (based on the current source rectangle) into the output buffer supplied by the application.

The following example from the video renderer sample, SampVid, demonstrates an implementation of this member function in a derived class. In this example, m_pRenderer holds an object of a class derived from CBaseVideoRenderer.

// Return a copy of the current image in the video renderer

HRESULT CVideoText::GetStaticImage(long *pBufferSize,long *pDIBImage)
    // Get any sample the renderer may be holding.

    IMediaSample *pMediaSample = m_pRenderer->GetCurrentSample();
    if (pMediaSample == NULL) {
        return E_UNEXPECTED;

    // Call the base class helper method to do the work.

    HRESULT hr = CopyImage(pMediaSample,          // Buffer containing image
                           &m_pRenderer->m_mtIn,                // Type representing bitmap
                           pBufferSize,                                     // Size of buffer for DIB
                           (BYTE*) pDIBImage);                   // Data buffer for output

    return hr;


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the destination rectangle. This is an internal helper member function.


virtual HRESULT GetTargetRect(
    RECT *pTargetRect
    ) PURE;


Pointer to the destination rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value.


This member function must be overridden in the derived class to return the target rectangle held by the video renderer. It is called from the following CBaseControlVideo member functions.

The following example from the video renderer sample, SampVid, demonstrates an implementation of this function in a derived class.

// Return the current destination rectangle.

HRESULT CVideoText::GetTargetRect(RECT *pTargetRect)
    return NOERROR;

In this example, CVideoText is a class derived from CBaseControlVideo, m_pRenderer holds an object of a class derived from CBaseVideoRenderer, and the m_DrawImage data member, defined in the derived class, holds a CDrawImage object.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves a video sample that represents the current video format.


virtual VIDEOINFOHEADER * GetVideoFormat(void) PURE;

Return Value

Returns a pointer to a VIDEOINFOHEADER structure that contains the current video format.


To return and check certain information through IBasicVideo, the object must know the current video format. It gets this information by calling this pure virtual method that derived classes must override. This member function is called by the following CBaseControlVideo member functions.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the height of the native video.


HRESULT get_VideoHeight(
    long *pVideoHeight


Pointer to the height of the native video, in pixels.

Return Value

Returns NOERROR if successful or E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory available.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_VideoHeight method. It calls the pure virtual CBaseControlVideo::GetVideoFormat to retrieve the VIDEOINFOHEADER structure from the derived class.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves a range of palette entries for the video.


HRESULT GetVideoPaletteEntries(
    long StartIndex,
    long Entries,
    long *pRetrieved,
    long *pPalette


Zero-based start palette entry.
Number of entries required.
Pointer to the number of colors obtained.
Pointer to output buffer for colors.

Return Value

Returns NOERROR if successful, VFW_E_NO_PALETTE_AVAILABLE if the video samples has no color palette, E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory available, E_INVALIDARG if StartIndex is invalid, or S_FALSE if there are no colors in the palette.


This member function returns the current palette of the video as an array allocated by the user. To remain consistent, use the members in the Win32 PALETTEENTRY structure to return the colors, rather than the members in the RGBQUAD structure (although the parameter is a LONG). The memory is allocated by the caller, so simply copy each in turn. Determine that the number of entries requested and the start position offset are both valid. If the number of entries evaluates to zero, return an S_FALSE code.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the native video's width and height.


HRESULT GetVideoSize(
    long *pWidth,
    long *pHeight


Pointer to the video width.
Pointer to the video height.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.
NOERROR Success.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Retrieves the width of the native video.


HRESULT get_VideoWidth(
    long *pVideoWidth


Pointer to the width of the native video, in pixels.

Return Value

Returns NOERROR if successful or E_OUTOFMEMORY if there is not enough memory available.


This member function implements the IBasicVideo::get_VideoWidth method. It calls the pure virtual CBaseControlVideo::GetVideoFormat to retrieve the VIDEOINFOHEADER structure from the derived class.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Determines if the renderer is using the default source rectangle (pure virtual).


virtual HRESULT IsDefaultSourceRect(void) PURE;

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value. Returns S_OK if the renderer is using the default source; otherwise, returns S_FALSE.


This member function must be implemented in the derived class. It is called by the CBaseControlVideo::IsUsingDefaultSource member function.

The following example from the video renderer sample, SampVid, demonstrates an implementation of this function in a derived class.

// Return S_OK if using the default source; otherwise, S_FALSE.

HRESULT CVideoText::IsDefaultSourceRect()
    RECT SourceRect;

    VIDEOINFO *pVideoInfo = (VIDEOINFO *) m_pRenderer->m_mtIn.Format();
    BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHeader = HEADER(pVideoInfo);

    // Check the coordinates that match the video dimensions.

    if (SourceRect.left != 0 || != 0 ||
            SourceRect.right != pHeader->biWidth ||
                SourceRect.bottom != pHeader->biHeight) {
                    return S_FALSE;
    return S_OK;

In this example, CVideoText is a class derived from CBaseControlVideo, m_pRenderer holds an object of a class derived from CBaseVideoRenderer, and the m_DrawImage data member, defined in the derived class, holds a CDrawImage object. The m_mtIn data member, also defined in the derived class, holds a CMediaType object with the media type of the input pin.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Determines if the renderer is using the default target rectangle (pure virtual).


virtual HRESULT IsDefaultTargetRect(void) PURE;

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value. Returns S_OK if the renderer is using the default target; otherwise, returns S_FALSE.


This member function must be implemented in the derived class. It is called by the CBaseControlVideo::IsUsingDefaultDestination member function.

The following example from the video renderer sample, SampVid, demonstrates an implementation of this function in a derived class.

// Return S_OK if using the default target; otherwise, S_FALSE.

HRESULT CVideoText::IsDefaultTargetRect()
    RECT TargetRect;

    VIDEOINFO *pVideoInfo = (VIDEOINFO *) m_pRenderer->m_mtIn.Format();
    BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHeader = HEADER(pVideoInfo);

    // Check the destination that matches the initial client area.

    if (TargetRect.left != 0 || != 0 ||
            TargetRect.right != ||
                TargetRect.bottom != {
                    return S_FALSE;
    return S_OK;

In this example, CVideoText is a class derived from CBaseControlVideo, m_pRenderer holds an object of a class derived from CBaseVideoRenderer, and the m_DrawImage data member, defined in the derived class, holds a CDrawImage object. The m_mtIn data member, also defined in the derived class, holds a CMediaType object with media type of the input pin.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Determines if the renderer is using the default source window.


virtual HRESULT IsUsingDefaultSource(void);

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value. Returns S_OK if the renderer is using the default source; otherwise, returns S_FALSE.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Determines if the renderer is using the default destination window.


virtual HRESULT IsUsingDefaultDestination(void);

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value. Returns S_OK if using the default destination; otherwise, returns S_FALSE.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Called when either the source or destination rectangle changes.


virtual HRESULT OnUpdateRectangles(void);

Return Value

Returns NOERROR.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Passes an EC_VIDEO_SIZE_CHANGED message to the filter graph manager.


virtual HRESULT OnVideoSizeChange(void);

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory.


A video renderer should call this member function each time the video size is changed; this will typically be called once after initial connection. If the renderer can support dynamic format changes (from 320 x 240 to 160 x 120), it should also call it after each change.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the destination rectangle height.


HRESULT put_DestinationHeight(
    long DestinationHeight


New destination height.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the left coordinate of the destination rectangle.


HRESULT put_DestinationLeft(
    long DestinationLeft


New left coordinate of destination rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the top coordinate of the destination rectangle.


HRESULT put_DestinationTop(
    long DestinationTop


New top coordinate of the destination rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the width of the destination rectangle.


HRESULT put_DestinationWidth(
    long DestinationWidth


New destination width.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the source rectangle height.


HRESULT put_SourceHeight(
    long SourceHeight


Source height.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the source rectangle left coordinate.


HRESULT put_SourceLeft(
    long SourceLeft


New left coordinate of the source rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the top coordinate of the source rectangle.


HRESULT put_SourceTop(
    long SourceTop


New top coordinate of the source rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the width of the source rectangle.


HRESULT put_SourceWidth(
    long SourceWidth


New width of the source rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the pin used by the filter.


void SetControlVideoPin(
    CBasePin *pPin


Pointer to the pin with which the interface is synchronized.

Return Value

No return value.


The interface can be called only when the filter has been connected successfully. The object is passed through this method to the pin with which it is synchronized; in most cases it will determine if the pin is connected when it has an interface method called and will return VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED if it fails.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the renderer back to using the default destination position (typically the entire window client area).


HRESULT SetDefaultDestinationPosition(void);

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the renderer back to using the default source position (typically all the native video).


HRESULT SetDefaultSourcePosition(void);

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the default source video rectangle (pure virtual). This in an internal member function that gets called when the source rectangle is reset.


virtual HRESULT SetDefaultSourceRect(void) PURE;

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value.


Derived classes should override this to reset the source rectangle. It is called from CBaseControlVideo::SetDefaultSourcePosition.

The following example from the video renderer sample, SampVid, demonstrates an implementation of this function in a derived class.

// This is called when you reset the default source rectangle.

HRESULT CVideoText::SetDefaultSourceRect()
    VIDEOINFO *pVideoInfo = (VIDEOINFO *) m_pRenderer->m_mtIn.Format();
    BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHeader = HEADER(pVideoInfo);
    RECT SourceRect = {0,0,pHeader->biWidth,pHeader->biHeight};
    return NOERROR;

In this example, CVideoText is a class derived from CBaseControlVideo, m_pRenderer holds an object of a class derived from CBaseVideoRenderer, and the m_DrawImage data member, defined in the derived class, holds a CDrawImage object. The m_mtIn data member, also defined in the derived class, holds a CMediaType object with media type of the input pin.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the default target video rectangle (pure virtual). This is an internal member function that gets called when the source rectangle is reset.


virtual HRESULT SetDefaultTargetRect(void) PURE;

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value.


Derived classes should override this to reset the destination video rectangle. It is called from the CBaseControlVideo::SetDefaultDestinationPosition member function.

The following example from the video renderer sample, SampVid, demonstrates an implementation of this function in a derived class.

// This is called when you reset the default target rectangle.

HRESULT CVideoText::SetDefaultTargetRect()
    VIDEOINFO *pVideoInfo = (VIDEOINFO *) m_pRenderer->m_mtIn.Format();
    BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHeader = HEADER(pVideoInfo);
    RECT TargetRect = {0,0,,};
    return NOERROR;

In this example, CVideoText is a class derived from CBaseControlVideo, m_pRenderer holds an object of a class derived from CBaseVideoRenderer, and the m_DrawImage data member, defined in the derived class, holds a CDrawImage object. The m_mtIn data member, also defined in the derived class, holds a CMediaType object with the media type of the input pin.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the destination rectangle for the video.


HRESULT SetDestinationPosition(
    long Left,
    long Top,
    long Width,
    long Height


New left coordinate.
New top coordinate.
New width.
New height.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets a new source position for the video.


HRESULT SetSourcePosition(
    long Left,
    long Top,
    long Width,
    long Height


New left coordinate.
New top coordinate.
New width.
New height.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation; can be one of the following values, or other values not listed.
E_FAIL Failure.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
NOERROR Success.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The operation cannot be performed because the pins are not connected.


An application can change the source and destination rectangles for the video through the IBasicVideo interface. The source rectangle affects which section of the native video source will appear on the display; the destination rectangle affects where the video will appear when played. The destination rectangle is relative to the client area of the window in which it is playing. The upper-left corner of the window is coordinate (0,0).


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the current source video rectangle (pure virtual). This is an internal member function that gets called when the source rectangle changes.


virtual HRESULT SetSourceRect(
    RECT *pSourceRect
    ) PURE;


Pointer to the source rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value.


Derived classes should override this member function to know when the source rectangle changes. It is called from the following member functions.

The following example from the video renderer sample, SampVid, demonstrates an implementation of this function in a derived class.

HRESULT CVideoText::SetSourceRect(RECT *pSourceRect)
    return NOERROR;

In this example, CVideoText is a class derived from CBaseControlVideo, m_pRenderer holds an object of a class derived from CBaseVideoRenderer, and the m_DrawImage data member, defined in the derived class, holds a CDrawImage object.


CBaseControlVideo Class

Sets the current target rectangle (pure virtual). This is an internal member function that gets called when the destination rectangle changes.


virtual HRESULT SetTargetRect(
    RECT *pTargetRect
    ) PURE;


Pointer to the destination rectangle.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value.


Derived classes should override this to know when the destination rectangle changes. It is called from the following member functions.

The following example from the video renderer sample, SampVid, demonstrates an implementation of this function in a derived class.

HRESULT CVideoText::SetTargetRect(RECT *pTargetRect)
    return NOERROR;

In this example, CVideoText is a class derived from CBaseControlVideo, m_pRenderer holds an object of a class derived from CBaseVideoRenderer, and the m_DrawImage data member, defined in the derived class, holds a CDrawImage object.

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