Communicates color key information between the renderer and another filter.
typedef struct tagCOLORKEY { DWORD KeyType; DWORD PaletteIndex; COLORREF LowColorValue; COLORREF HighColorValue; } COLORKEY;
- KeyType
- Key type. Can be CK_NOCOLORKEY, CK_INDEX, or CK_RGB. CK_INDEX and CK_RGB can be logically combined.
- PaletteIndex
- Palette index.
- LowColorValue
- Lowest RGB color value.
- HighColorValue
- Highest RGB color value.
The video renderer supports a data transport accessed through the IOverlay interface. This will typically be used by hardware decoder filters that need the renderer to communicate where to put the data rather than requiring the renderer to draw the data. One mechanism for communicating where to put the images is by using a color key. This structure is used by a filter (typically a hardware decoder) to describe color key requirements to the video renderer.
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