CDXBaseARGBPtr Class

The CDXBaseARGBPtr is used to simplify the creation of sample read pointers for procedural surfaces. CDXBaseSurface class objects must create a CDXBaseARGBPtr object and override the FillSamples member function so that external users can obtain image data from the surface.

This class inherits from IDXARGBReadPtr.

Member Functions

FillSamples A method called by the base class to generate sample output.


CDXBaseARGBPtr Class

A method called by the base class to generate sample output.


virtual void FillSamples(
	const DXPtrFillInfo &FillInfo


[in] DXPtrFillInfo structure describing the location to fill and the alignment within the procedural surface's coordinate space.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface.


Derived classes must override this virtual function. This function is responsible for calculating a row of output samples based on coordinates on the procedural surface.

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