Blur Transform

Generates an image that is a blurred version of the input image. The amount of blurring can be specified by the PixelRadius property. The MakeShadow property sets all colors to black and then blurs the image. The output image can then be placed beneath the input image, making it look like the input is casting a shadow.

Note  To use this transform, you need to have Microsoft® DirectX® Media 6, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, Microsoft Windows® 98 Second Edition, or Windows 2000 installed.

Transform Specifications

The following table contains the information you need in order to use this transform in C++ and script.

Class identifier (CLSID) CLSID_CrBlur
Globally unique identifier (GUID) 7312498D-E87A-11d1-81E0-0000F87557DB
Programmatic identifier (ProgId) DXImageTransform.Microsoft.CrBlur
Category identifier (CATID) CATID_DXImageTransform
Custom interfaces ICrBlur
Supported interfaces None
Inputs One required of type IDXSurface.
Output IDXSurface

Custom Properties

The following table lists the custom properties that control the transform output.

Property Type Default Description
PixelRadius float 2.0 Used to set the spread of the blur. Values less than 1.0 produce no effect on the output. Values greater than 1.0 produce progressively more blurring in the output.
MakeShadow Boolean FALSE If TRUE, sets RGB values to 0 (black) and blurs.
ShadowOpacity float 0.75 When MakeShadow is TRUE, this sets the opacity of the resulting shadow output.

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