Fade Transform

Fades from one DXSurface object to another or from one DXSurface to black, depending on the number of inputs passed. If you use two inputs, the first input gradually fades into the second input as the value of the Progress property from IDXEffect goes from 0 to 1. If you use only one input, the input gradually fades to black as Progress goes from 0 to 1.

The Overlap and Center custom properties are relevant only if you are using two inputs.

Note  To use this transform, you need to have Microsoft® DirectX® Media 6, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, Microsoft Windows® 98 Second Edition, or Windows 2000 installed.

Transform Specifications

The following table contains the information you need in order to use this transform in C++ and script.

Class identifier (CLSID) CLSID_DXFade
Globally unique identifier (GUID) 16B280C5-EE70-11D1-9066-00C04FD9189D
Programmatic identifier (ProgId) DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Fade
Category identifier (CATID) CATID_DXImageTransform
Custom interfaces IDXTFade
Supported interfaces IDXEffect
Inputs One required (two maximum) of type IDXSurface.
Output IDXSurface

Custom Properties

The following table lists the custom properties that control the transform output.

Property Type Default Description
Overlap float 1.0 Specifies the percentage in the center of the Progress range that the two inputs are used. The range for this property is from 0 through 1.
Center Boolean TRUE Determines whether the two images have the same center (TRUE) or the same upper-left corner (FALSE).

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