Stretch Transform

Stretches one image across another by the second image appearing to push the first image away (CRSTS_PUSH), cover the first image (CRSTS_HIDE), or spin from an edge view to a front view, thus covering the first image (CRSTS_SPIN).

Note  To use this transform, you need to have Microsoft® DirectX® Media 6, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, Microsoft Windows® 98 Second Edition, or Windows 2000 installed.

For more information, see Installation and Redistribution Information.

Transform Specifications

The following table contains the information you need in order to use this transform in C++ and script.

Class identifier (CLSID) CLSID_CrStretch
Globally unique identifier (GUID) 7658F2A2-0A83-11d2-A484-00C04F8EFB69
Programmatic identifier (ProgId) DXImageTransform.Microsoft.CrStretch
Category identifier (CATID) CATID_DXImageTransform
Custom interfaces ICrStretch
Supported interfaces IDXEffect
Inputs Two required of type IDXSurface.
Output IDXSurface

Custom Properties

The following table lists the custom properties that control the transform output.

Property Type Default Description
stretchStyle BSTR CRSTS_SPIN The type of style used to stretch image one over image two. Valid parameters are CRSTS_HIDE, CRSTS_PUSH, and CRSTS_SPIN.

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