Transform Reference Guide

The transform reference provides you with all the information you need to use the transforms included in this Software Development Kit (SDK) in C++, Microsoft® Visual Basic®, and scripting environments. This guide describes the information presented in the transform reference.

This article contains the following sections.

Transform Specification Tables

This table describes each of the entries in the transform specification table.

Class identifier (CLSID) A Component Object Model (COM) object identifier used by the IDXTransformFactory interface to create the transform.
Globally unique identifier (GUID) A COM object unique identifier.
Programmatic identifier (ProgId) A COM object identifier. As an example, this is used by scripting languages to use transforms in Microsoft DirectAnimation®.
Category identifier (CATID) The transform category, which is based, in part, on the type of transform. For more information, see the Author's Guide.
Custom interfaces The name of the transform COM interface.
Supported interfaces Interfaces supported by the transform, which add to its capabilities. The most common is IDXEffect, which controls animated transforms.
Inputs The type and number of required transform inputs, as well as the number of optional inputs.
Output The type of output produced by the transform.

Transform Properties

Many transforms have custom properties that control the appearance of the transform. If the transform has custom properties, they are listed in the second table on the transform reference pages.

Each custom property has two implied C++ accessor methods: put_Property and get_Property, where Property is a variable name in the property list. For example, to set the GradientSize property of the Wipe transform to 0.75 and to read the value back, you would use the following:

	hr = pWipe->put_GradientSize( 0.75 );
	hr = pWipe->get_GradientSize( &m_gradSize );

All transforms that support the IDXEffect interface inherit two generic properties: Progress and Duration. These two properties are often used to control transforms that can produce animated output. Like the custom properties, these properties also have put_ and get_ accessor methods.

Some transforms also possess a Quality property. It is a number from 0 to 1 that controls the rendering quality of the two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D) output. If a transform supports this property, its value is accessed with the IDXTransform::SetQuality and IDXTransform::GetQuality methods. For further discussion, see the Author's Guide.

For more information on the role of these properties in transform animation, see the How Transforms Work article and the IDXEffect interface reference.

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