Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Building the Sample Programs

To build the sample programs, you must have the Platform SDK installed. It is not necessary to install the MAPI samples, although you may find that useful. The PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB environment variables must be set up according to SETENV.BAT in the SDK. Copy all the sample files (listed below) to an empty directory, change to that directory, and use NMAKE.EXE to build the sample programs. Some command examples follow.

To build debug versions of all three programs, type:


To build retail versions of all three programs, use the NODEBUG flag:

nmake NODEBUG=1

To build the debug version of one program, use its name:

nmake linkmm.exe

To build the retail versions of two programs, use their names:

nmake NODEBUG=1 linkmm.exe linkfm.exe