Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Context Lifetimes

Some contexts last only a short time; others can exist for the entire time that Microsoft Exchange is running. The EECONTEXT_TASK context, for example, exists continuously after Microsoft Exchange has logged on because this context refers to the running Microsoft Exchange client application. In contrast, the EECONTEXT_SEARCHVIEWER context exists only during display of the Find dialog box.

An extension is loaded into memory the first time a context for which it is registered is created. Once an extension is loaded into memory, it remains in memory for the duration of the Microsoft Exchange session. For example, consider three extensions E1, E2, and E3. If E1 and E2 are both registered for EECONTEXT_SESSION and E3 is registered for EECONTEXT_ADDRBOOK, then E1 and E2 will be loaded when Microsoft Exchange logs on, but E3 will not be loaded until the Address Book is opened. After the Address Book is opened, all three extensions will remain loaded until Microsoft Exchange is closed.

More than one context can exist at the same time. For example, EECONTEXT_VIEWER and EECONTEXT_ADDRBOOK exist simultaneously when the Viewer and the Address Book are active. Additionally, more than one instance of the same context can be active at one time, such as when two Find windows are open or two Compose Note windows are open. In these cases, two instances of the same context are active. When a context is destroyed, all extensions that are instantiated in that context are released but the extension DLLs remain in memory.