Platform SDK: Exchange Server


Displays an extension object’s advanced criteria dialog box.

Quick Info

See IExchExtAdvancedCriteria : IUnknown.

HRESULT DoDialog()

Return Values

Advanced criteria, including the fNot parameter, were set after the user chose the dialog box’s OK button, unless an error occurs.
No change was made to the dialog box, or the user chose the Cancel button.
No criteria were specified in the dialog box. That is, the user changed the criteria to be empty.


Microsoft Exchange calls the IExchExtAdvancedCriteria::DoDialog method when the user selects the Advanced button in the Find dialog box. The extension object should display a dialog box that enables the user to specify search criteria. The dialog box should be modal to the window specified in the hwnd parameter of IExchExtAdvancedCriteria::InstallAdvancedCriteria.