Platform SDK: Exchange Server


Enables extension objects to enable or disable their modeless windows.

Quick Info

See IExchExtModeless : IUnknown.

HRESULT EnableModeless(
  HWND hwnd,   
  BOOL fEnable 


[in] Pointer to the handle of the parent window of the modal window being displayed or removed.
[in] TRUE when Microsoft Exchange should enable its modeless windows (that is, when the extension has removed a modal window). Set to FALSE when Microsoft Exchange should disable its modeless windows (that is, when the extension is about to display a modal window).

Return Values

No error occurred.


Microsoft Exchange uses the IExchExtModeless::EnableModeless method to notify extension objects that they should enable or disable their modeless windows. If an extension has registered for modeless behavior using the IExchExtCallback::RegisterModeless method and has called the IExchExtModelessCallBack::AddWindow method, Microsoft Exchange calls the extension’s EnableModeless method when it displays or removes a modal window. In the case of creation, the extension object should disable its modeless windows; in the case of removal, the extension object should enable its modeless windows.