Platform SDK: Exchange Server


Enables modeless extensions to intercept and handle messages.

Quick Info

See IExchExtModeless : IUnknown.

HRESULT TranslateAccelerator(
  LPMSG pmsg  


[in] Pointer to the message.

Return Values

The message was handled by the extension object.
The message was not handled by the extension object.


The IExchExtModeless::TranslateAccelerator method is used to enable modeless extension objects to intercept and handle messages. While running in-process, an extension object might need to intercept and handle various messages that would otherwise be handled by Microsoft Exchange. If the extension object has registered for modeless behavior using the IExchExtCallback::RegisterModeless method and has called the IExchExtModelessCallBack::AddWindow method, the Microsoft Exchange client will call TranslateAccelerator whenever it receives a Windows message. If the extension object handles the message, it should return S_OK to prevent Microsoft Exchange from handling the same message.