Platform SDK: Exchange Server |
Microsoft Exchange Server users can set special gateway options that apply for each message or for each recipient in the messages to or from a specified address type. The gateway provides for these options by supplying display tables in the Address-Template object. These message and recipient options then become properties in the MAPI message.
The message options property sheet in the Microsoft Exchange Client contains a property page for each message-options display table. These property sheets let the user specify message options for each resolved address in the recipient list of the message currently being composed or viewed.
Note You cannot implement default message options because Microsoft Exchange Server does not support the MAPI IMAPISession::QueryDefaultMessageOpt function.
The Recipient Options property sheet in the Microsoft Exchange Client contains a property page for each recipient-options display table. This property sheet lets the user set options for each individual message recipient that has an address of the gateway’s address type.
Note Recipient options do not work for custom recipients because recipient options are defined for a specific address type. The address type of a custom recipient in the Microsoft Exchange Server address book is EX rather than the recipient’s native address type (such as SMTP). Therefore, Microsoft Exchange Server has no reference for matching the address to a particular recipient options property sheet.
The Microsoft Exchange Server MS-DOS client does not expose message or recipient options, so the gateway must not depend on these options for correct operation.