Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Import Requirements

All directory objects have required and optional attributes. When you use directory access functions to import objects, pay special attention to the required attributes and types of import requirements. The following table denotes codes used in this section to identify the import requirements of each object attribute.

Import Requirements

Code Import Requirements
R Required field. Must exist and contain valid data in the data file.
C Required field. If this field does not exist in the data file, it will be constructed by data derived from information in other columns of the data file.
I Required field. Must either exist and contain data in the data file, or a user template must be specified and the values will be inherited from the user template.

In the directory schema, mailboxes (Mailbox object), remote users (Remote-Address object), and distribution lists (Distribution-List object) are all subclasses of the Mail-Recipient object. This means that most of the common required fields are part of the Mail-Recipient object. The following tables show the required attributes of the Mail-Recipient object, and their relationship to the user interface of the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program, as well as the import requirements code.

In the following tables, the Code column gives the letter representing the import requirement of that attribute, as explained in the previous (Import Requirements) table. No optional attributes are listed in these two tables. For a complete list of attributes, including those that are optional, refer to the directory schema reference section.

Mail Recipients

Directory Attribute
Import File


Common-Name Common-Name R Specifies the common name used for the mailbox name and Windows NT account name.
Display-Name Display-Name C Specifies name that appears in the address book. If not specified, will be constructed (in the form of Given Name, Surname, Generation Qualifier).
Hide-From-Address-Book Hide-From-AB I Specifies flag that, when set, keeps the user from appearing in the address book. Defaults to FALSE if not provided in the input file. Note: FALSE is a value of 0 in the data file. TRUE is any nonzero value.
Home-Server Home Server I (for Mailbox only) Specifies the user's home server. The Home-DSA, Home-MTA, and Home-MDB attributes all inherit the Home Server value. Attribute conflicts generate an error during Import.
Surname Surname C Specifies the user's Last Name. If not specified, Common-Name will be placed in the Surname field.

Mailbox objects have additional attributes beyond those inherited from Mail-Recipient. The following table describes these additional attributes, the relationship to the user interface of the Administrator program, and the import requirements.

Mailbox Attributes

Attribute Name
Admin. Display


Delivery-Mechanism Delivery-Mechanism I 0 = MDB
1 = XAPI Delivery Queue
2 = XAPI Retrieval Queue
Default to MDB if not specified
Assoc-NT-Acccount Assoc-NT-Acccount C Same as Common-Name. The Windows NTaccount that is considered the primary Windows NT account on this object.