Platform SDK: Exchange Server |
The "Formatting the Migration Files" topic in the Microsoft Exchange Server Migration Guide states a rule for enclosing multivalued fields within quotation marks. For X.400 addresses, that rule does not apply in certain cases. Instead, multivalued fields (such as distribution list members or e-mail addresses) that are separated by semicolons follow the following formatting conventions:
Note These rules do not apply for fields separated by a slash ( / ).
For example:
dl,Friends,\\ ";""X400:C=US;A= ;P=NWTraders;G=Joe;S=Parkes"""\\
To avoid the formatting rules with semicolons, you can specify X.400 addresses by using the slash ( / ) as shown in the following example:
dl,Friends,\\;X400:/C=US/A= /P=NWTraders/G=Joe/S=Parkes\\
Because of the formatting rules for X.400 addresses, the example in the Microsoft Exchange Server Migration Guide under "PAB Entries and Personal Distribution Lists" should read as follows:
PAB,PROFS:SANFRN/HOWARDS Obj-class,Display-Name,Email-\\ Address,First,Last,Address,City,State,Zip,Country,Title,Company,Depart\\ ment,Office,Assistant,Bus-Num,Bus2-Num,Assist-Num,Fax-Num,Home-\\ Num,Home2-Num,Mobile-Num,Pager-Num,Note entry,Pat Parkes,,Pat,Parkes,,,,,,,\\ "Litware,Inc.",,,,,,,,415-555-1212,,,, entry,Dad,X400:/C=US/A= /P=NWTraders/G=Joe/S=Parkes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dl,My Friends,X400:/C=US/A= \\ /P=NWTraders/G=Joe/S=Parkes;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,