Platform SDK: Exchange Server

POPPST .INI File Format

Notations that describe POPPST.INI file grammar

Symbol Meaning
Angle brackets (<>) Indicate a token or syntactic element.
Braces ({}) Indicate an optional syntactic element.
Ellipsis (...) Indicate that the preceding syntactic element may be repeated.
// Indicates embedded comments (not part of the file format)
| Indicates alternation (a | b implies a or b is acceptable)

All required parameters must be represented by non-null strings. To omit an optional parameter, leave the entire line out. For example, to omit the value for XTEXT in the [message] section, delete the entire line beginning with XTEXT= instead of retaining the line and assigning no value.

Note  Assignment lines cannot contain spaces between the keyword and the value being assigned. For example, the following line is valid:


This line is not valid:

XTEXT= boxy.txt

The [newpst] section is used to create a new PST and to add messages to it:

NAME=<pst display name string>
ENCRYPTION=<encryption state>
PASSWORD=<pst password string>
PATH=<file path>

The [profile] section is used to add messages to an existing PST in an existing Microsoft Exchange Server profile:

NAME=<profile name string>
PASSWORD=<profile password string>

The [message] section provides values for the properties of a new message to be created. The <number> value in the message section header should be unique. POPPST doesn't actually use the number. It is there only for Windows API compatibility.

    FROM=<user name>
    TO=<user name>{;<user name>}
    CC=<user name>{;<user name>}...     // Optional.
    BCC=<user name>{;<user name>}...    // Optional.
    FOLDER=<folder path>
    XTEXT=<file path>                   // Optional
    XATTACH=<file path>{;<file path>}.. // Optional.