Platform SDK: Exchange Server

IACLObject::CDOItem Property

IDL Definition

[propput]    HRESULT CDOItem([in] IDispatch* newVal);
[propputref] HRESULT CDOItem([in] IDispatch* newVal);

Visual Basic Definition

Public Property CDOItem as Object


The write-only CDOItem property is used to bind the ACLObject object to a specific CDO.Folder object. Both a propput and propputref version are available, so in Visual Basic you can use either Let or Set keywords when setting the object reference.


session.logon "","",false,true,true,true,"server" & vbLf & "alias"

      ' get a folder here
set store = session.infostores.item("Public Folders")
set root = session.getFolder(store.fields(&h66310102),
set fldr  = root.item("My Folder")

      ' get the aclsobject for the folder
set acls = createobject("MSExchange.aclobject")
acls.cdoitem = fldr

'  You could also use the following:
'   set acls.cdoitem = fldr