Platform SDK: Exchange Server

IRule Interface

Type Library
Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Rule Type Library 1.0 (MSExchangeRule.dll)


Name Type Description
Actions [Visual Basic] Object

[C++] IDispatch*

The collection of Action objects defining the actions to perform when the rule conditions are met.
Condition [Visual Basic] Object

[C++] IDispatch*

The condition under which the defined actions are to be taken.
Index [Visual Basic] Long

[C++] long

The ordinal index of this Rule object in the Rules collection. Each Rule object has its own collection index as a property.
Level [Visual Basic] Long

[C++] long

The exit level of the rule.
Name [Visual Basic] String

[C++] BSTR

The friendly name of the rule.
NewIndex [Visual Basic] Long

[C++] long

The index to assign this Rule object when the IRules::UpdateIndicesmethod is called.
Provider [Visual Basic] String

[C++] BSTR

The MAPI component that provides the messaging services
ReadOnly [Visual Basic] Boolean


Defines whether the rule can be modified.
Sequence [Visual Basic] Long

[C++] long

The sequence number for the Rule. Rules are executed in the order defined by their sequence values.
State [Visual Basic] Long

[C++] long

The state of the rule.