Platform SDK: Exchange Server

IACEs::Item Method

Retrieves the ACE object in the position specified by index.

IDL Definition

HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT Index, [out, retval] VARIANT* pItem);

Visual Basic Definition

Function Item(index) as Variant


The ordinal index or long-term entry identifier of the object to retrieve.
On return, the object reference to the item. (VT_DISPATCH)


Note that the DISPID for this member is set to DISPID_VALUE which implies that all IDispatch::Invoke method invocations default to it if this DISPID value is specified. This makes for a nice shorthand in some languages such as Visual Basic by not requiring the member name Item to be explicitly specified. The index can be any of the VARIANT subtypes VT_BSTR, VT_I4, or VT_I2.

If a VT_BSTR is supplied, it is used to retrieve an object reference using the dictionary key the object is stored under. This value is the same as the ACE object's IACE::ID property, and is a string representation of the member's long-term entry identifier.

If either an integer (VT_I2) or Long value (VT_I4) is used, this value is used to retrieve the object using its ordinal index in the collection.


... ' code ommited...create aclobject,ace and AddressEntry object =
aces.add ace   ' ID is converted on the ace object internally
strId =  '  new value that's not equal to above.
...  ' do other things
aclobject.ACEs.delete strId  ' delete this ACE using its long term id