Platform SDK: Exchange Server

ISizeCondition::Operator Property

Specifies the relational operator for the condition.

IDL Definition

[propget] HRESULT Operator([out, retval] RELOP_TYPES *pVal) 
[propput] HRESULT Operator([in] RELOP_TYPES newVal)

Visual Basic Definition

Property Operator As RELOP_TYPES


The following table describes the RELOP_TYPES.

RELOP_TYPES Enumeration

Name Value Description
REL_GE 1 Greater than or equal to
REL_GT 2 Greater than
REL_LE 3 Less than or equal to
REL_LT 4 Less than
REL_NE 5 Not equal to
REL_RE 6 Like
REL_EQ 7 Equal to