Platform SDK: Exchange Server

IAction::ActionType Property

This property specifies the type of action to take.

IDL Definition

[propget] HRESULT ActionType([out, retval] ACTION_TYPES *pVal) 
[propput] HRESULT ActionType([in] ACTION_TYPES newVal)

Visual Basic Definition

Public Property ActionType As ACTION_TYPES


The following table describes the ACTION_TYPES enumeration:

ACTION_TYPES Enumeration

Name Value Description
ACTION_MOVE 1 Move the message to folder* specified in Arg.
ACTION_COPY 2 Copy the message to folder* specified in Arg.
ACTION_DELETE 3 Delete the message.
ACTION_REPLY 4 Respond to the message with the message specified in Arg.
ACTION_OOFREPLY 5 Respond to the message with Out-of-office message specified in Arg.
ACTION_FORWARD 6 Forward the message to the recipient list specified in Arg.
ACTION_DELEGATE 7 Delegate the message to the recipient list specified in Arg.
ACTION_BOUNCE 8 Return the message back to the sender for the reason specified in Arg.
ACTION_TAG 9 Tag the message to set the property specified in Arg.
ACTION_MARKREAD 10 Mark as read.
ACTION_DEFER 11 Defer action.

* Note  You cannot copy or move from a Public Folder. Moves and copies between different stores have to be implemented as deferred actions using ACTION_DEFER.