Platform SDK: Exchange Server

LogicalCondition CoClass

The LogicalCondition COM class defines an object that you can use to create a binary or unary logical condition. This class supports the AND and OR binary conditions and the NOT unary condition.

Type Library
Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Rules Type Library 1.0 (Rule.dll)
Threading Model
Single-threaded apartment (STA)
The LogicalCondition class exposes the ILogicalCondition dual interface.


Use the LogicalCondition object to negate a condition or logically group multiple conditions.


The following example creates a condition that identifies messages with the word "Delete" in the Subject line and also marked with low importance.

const CdoPR_SUBJECT = &H0037001E
const FULLSTRING    = 0

Set objPropVal   = CreateObject("MSExchange.PropertyValue")
objPropVal.Tag   = CdoPR_SUBJECT
objPropVal.Value = "Delete"

Set objContCond          = CreateObject("MSExchange.ContentCondition")
objContCond.Value        = objPropVal
objContCond.PropertyType = CdoPR_SUBJECT
objContCond.Operator     = FULLSTRING

Set importPropVal   = CreateObject("MSExchange.PropertyValue")
importPropVal.Tag   = CdoPR_IMPORTANCE
importPropVal.Value = IMPORTANCE_LOW

Set importPropCond         = CreateObject("MSExchange.PropertyCondition")
importPropCond.PropertyTag = CdoPR_IMPORTANCE
importPropCond.Operator    = REL_EQ
importPropCond.Value       = importPropVal

Set logProp      = CreateObject("MSExchange.LogicalCondition")
logProp.Operator = L_AND
logProp.Add        , objContCond
logProp.Add        , importPropCond