Platform SDK: Exchange Server |
The PropertyCondition COM class defines an object with properties that you can use to test the value of a property tag.
Use the PropertyCondition object to create a condition based on the value of a CDO property.
The following example creates a condition that identifies messages where the &H0058000B (CdoPR_MESSAGE_CC_ME) property is True.
const CdoPR_MESSAGE_CC_ME = &H0058000B const REL_EQ = 7 Set objPropVal = CreateObject("MSExchange.PropertyValue") objPropVal.Tag = CdoPR_MESSAGE_CC_ME objPropVAl.Value = True Set objPropCond = CreateObject("MSExchange.PropertyCondition") objPropCond.Value = objPropVal objPropCond.Operator = REL_EQ objPropCond.PropertyTag = CdoPR_MESSAGE_CC_ME ...