Platform SDK: Exchange Server

ACL Component Information

Component Name ACL.dll
Type Library Loaded as a resource in the DLL

COM Classes

Name Description
ACLObject This object represents the access control list for the bound folder
ACEs An instance of this class collects the rows of the access control list as a collection. This class cannot be created directly by client applications. It is provided at runtime through an IACLObject::ACEs property.
ACE Each instance of this class holds information about one row or entry of the access control list.

COM Interfaces

Name Description
IACLObject This dual interface is exposed by the ACLObject COM class.
IACEs This dual interface is exposed by the ACEs COM class
IACE This dual interface is exposed by the ACE COM class.


Name Description
ACLRIGHTS Used when setting roles and rights for an access control entry (ACE)
Boolean Used when activating and de-activating rights for a member in an ACE.