Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Rule Component Information

Component Name Rule.dll
Type Library Loaded as a resource in the DLL.

COM Classes Description
Action Use objects of this class to create an action to take when a rule condition is satisfied.
Actions Use objects of this class to manage a collection of actions.
BitmaskCondition Use objects of this class to compare a property value against a bitmask.
CommentCondition Use objects of this class to associate information with a condition.
ComparePropsCondition Use objects of this class to compare two properties.
Condition This class exposes the ICondition virtual interface, from which other condition classes inherit.
ContentCondition Use objects of this class to test the contents of a property.
ExistsCondition Use objects of this class to test the existence of a property.
LogicalCondition Use objects of this class to combine conditions logically.
PropertyCondition Use objects of this class to test the value of a property.
PropVal Use objects of this class to specify a property and value.
Rule Use objects of this class to modify folder rules.
Rules Use objects of this class to access, create, and delete folder Rule objects.
SizeCondition Use objects of this class to test the size of a property.
SubCondition Use objects of this class to specify an attachment or recipient condition.

Interface Description
IAction This dual interface is exposed by instances of the Action COM class.
IActions This dual interface is exposed by instances of the Actions COM class.
IBitmaskCondition This dual interface is exposed by instances of the BitmaskCondition COM class.
ICommentCondition This dual interface is exposed by instances of the CommentCondition COM class.
IComparePropsCondition This dual interface is exposed by instances of the ComparePropsCondition COM class.
ICondition This dual interface is exposed by instances of the Condition COM class.
IContentCondition This dual interface is exposed by instances of the ContentCondition COM class.
IExistsCondition This dual interface is exposed by instances of the ExistsCondition COM class.
ILogicalCondition This dual interface is exposed by instances of the LogicalCondition COM class.
IPropertyCondition This dual interface is exposed by instances of the PropertyCondition COM class.
IPropVal This dual interface is exposed by instances of the PropVal COM class.
IRule This dual interface is exposed by instances of the Rule COM class.
IRules This dual interface is exposed by instances of the Rules COM class.
ISizeCondition This dual interface is exposed by instances of the SizeCondition COM class.
ISubCondition This dual interface is exposed by instances of the SubCondition COM class.