Platform SDK: Exchange Server |
Once you have configured your Visual Studio environment, and have installed and configured the Platform SDK core build environment, you can proceed to compile and build the Exchange libraries. These libraries provide access to functions useful when developing MAPI C++ applications for Exchange.
The source code for the libraries comes with the Database and Messaging component of the Platform SDK, and can be found in the directory [c:\mssdk]\Samples\DbMsg\Exchange\libsrc (Substitute your root SDK install path for the path in brackets above).
Each part of the library is contained in a separate directory below the one listed. In each directory you will find the source code and its corresponding Visual Studio project file (.dsp). Additionally, in the directory labeled exchsdk you can find both a project and a workspace file (exchsdk.dsw) that can be used to manage and compile all the separate parts of the library, as well as an additional top-level library called Exchsdk.lib (debug version is Exchsdkd.lib). This library is a composite of all the others and provides a single file to link the entire Exchange library into a project.
Note Many of the samples link directly to the Exchsdk.lib (debug version is Exchsdkd.lib) library. If you intend to compile the C++ samples, it is required that you build the library . After you built it, you need only link against this file.
Before actually compiling and linking the libraries, set the Active Configuration to either Win32 Release of Win32 Debug. The default configuration for the library projects is Win32 Release.
To Compile and Link the Exchange Library