' This code modifies the Phone number property of a mailbox. By
' default, all users have access to modify this property on their own
' mailbox.
' This following code will cause the browser to display a user
' identification dialog. The IIS server's password authentication must
' be set to Allow Anonymous and Basic (Clear Text) only. This way, the
' browser will be able to use the correct security context when using
' the GetObject method.
Dim strAT ' Authorization Type information
strAT = Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_TYPE")
If InStr(1, "_BasicNTLM", strAT, 1) < 2 Then
Response.Buffer = True
Response.Status = ("401 Unauthorized")
End If
Dim strMailboxPath ' ADsPath to the user's mailbox
Dim strServer ' name of the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server
Dim intPosPrefix ' numeric index used used to build ADsPath to schema object
Dim intPosSuffix ' numeric index used used to build ADsPath to schema object
Dim strPrefix ' prefix string used to build ADsPath to schema object
Dim strSuffix ' suffix string used to build ADsPath to schema object
Dim strPathToSchemaObject ' ADsPath to the schema object
Dim objMailbox ' mailbox object
Dim strNewPoneNumber ' value of the new phone number
Function isUserEditable(strSchemaObjectPath)
Dim objSchemaObject ' schema object
Dim intValue ' value of the 'Access-Category' property
Set objSchemaObject = GetObject(strSchemaObjectPath)
intValue = objSchemaObject.Get("Access-Category")
If intValue = 2 Then ' user may modify the mailbox property
isUserEditable = True
Else ' the value was 0, 1, or 3
isUserEditable = False
End If
End Function
' The following procedure modifies the property of an object that
' contains a string value. To set a property to the empty string,
' you must remove it from the object:
Sub ModifyProperty(strNewValue, strADsProperty)
On Error Resume Next
If Len(strNewValue) <> 0 Then
objMailbox.Put strADsProperty, CStr(strNewValue)
Else ' The new value is empty
objIADs.Get (strADsProperty)
' If the property doesn't exist on the object, an error will be
' generated:
If Err.Number = 0 Then
' the property exists on the object and must be removed
objMailbox.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, strADsProperty, CStr(" ")
End If
End If
End Sub
' used by the PutEx method to clear a property from an object
strMailboxPath = "LDAP://SPARKER1/cn=SParker,cn=Recipients,ou=3081,o=16"
strServer = "sparker1"
strNewPoneNumber = "(425) 882-8080 x 13882"
intPosPrefix = InStr(strMailboxPath, "/cn")
intPosSuffix = InStr(strMailboxPath, "ou")
strPrefix = Mid(strMailboxPath, 1, intPosPrefix - 1) + "/cn="
strSuffix = ",cn=Microsoft DMD," + Mid(strMailboxPath, intPosSuffix, Len(strMailboxPath))
strPathToSchemaObject = strPrefix + "Telephone-Office1" + strSuffix
If isUserEditable(strPathToSchemaObject) Then
Set objMailbox = GetObject(strMailboxPath)
ModifyProperty strNewPoneNumber, "telephoneNumber"
objMailbox.SetInfo ' save the object information
Response.Write "Phone number modified successfully :)<BR>"
Response.Write "You don't have permissions to modify your phone number :(<BR>"
End If