Platform SDK: Exchange Server


The server will return a SearchResultEntry for each entry found as a result of a SearchRequest operation by the client. There can be zero or more SearchResultEntry messages returned as a result of a single SearchRequest operation by the client.


The DN of the matching object (there will be one of these in each SearchResultEntry message). If the base of the object returned is the same as BaseObject in the SearchRequest operation, it can be replaced with an asterisk character (*).
Contains a list of attribute type and value(s) of the object that matched the search. If the SearchRequest had set the extraAttributes flag and the user was not anonymous then the operational attributes are returned as well.
This flag is set to TRUE if the size of an attribute and all it's values to be returned exceeds that of attrSizeLimit. In this case the attribute is not included in the attributes list..
The use of this parameter is not implemented.
The use of this parameter is not implemented.