Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Importing Multivalued Properties with DAPIWrite

The ulEvalTag member of the DAPI_ENTRY structure determines the way properties are to be imported. For this member, you can pass one of three values: VALUE_ARRAY, TEXT_VALUE_ARRAY, and TEXT_LINE. Their meanings are similar to those described in Choosing an Export Format.

If you pass TEXT_LINE, DAPIWrite expects the rgEntryValues member to be a string containing attribute values separated by the delimiter. If one of these attributes is multivalued, its members are listed together and separated by a different delimiter. The default delimiters are defined in DAPI.H to be commas for separating attributes and percent signs for separating members of a multi-valued attribute.

In the following example string, DLRecip1, DLRecip2, and DLRecip3 are members of a distribution list to be imported:


If you pass TEXT_VALUE_ARRAY, DAPIWrite expects the rgEntryValues member to point to an array of attribute values (in ATT_VALUE structures) to be imported. If one of these attributes is multivalued, each value must be specified in a separate structure. These structures are linked. In the following illustration, DLRecip1, DLRecip2, and DLRecip3 are members of a distribution list to be imported.

Specifying TEXT_VALUE_ARRAY with DAPIWrite