Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Creating an Associated Windows NT Account

You can configure the directory import system to automatically create a new Windows NT Server account when it imports a new recipient. To do this, set the DAPI_CREATE_NT_ACCOUNT flag in the BIMPORT_PARMS structure passed as a parameter with the BatchImport function, or in the DAPI_PARMS structure passed as a parameter with the DAPIStart function. You can also associate a new recipient with an already existing Windows NT Server account.

Duplicate Account Names Warning

If he DAPI_CREATE_NT_ACCOUNT flag is set, a warning is logged when the Windows NT account named in Assoc-NT-Account already exists. This warning enables administrators to take appropriate action when mailboxes with the same name have been associated with the same Windows NT account, resulting in the same Windows NT account having user privileges to mailboxes in multiple sites.

The warning message text (BWARN_ACCNT_EXISTS) is as follows:

Windows NT Account %2 already existed and was set as
the Primary Windows NT account for Mailbox %1.

where %1 is the Common-Name, and %2 is the qualified Windows NT account name (the account name is specified together with the domain name in the form domain\account).

This warning is logged whether the Assoc-NT-Account is explicitly specified or defaulted from another attribute — that is, from Mail-Nickname or Obj-Users.

Note  The behavior described here applies to the SP3 release of Microsoft Exchange Server version 4.0, but not Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.0. In Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 (RC1) or later versions, the warning is logged only when the value for Assoc-NT-Account is defaulted from another attribute. No warning is logged if the specified account already exists.