Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Object Classes Used for ADSI Support

Four object classes are used frequently when working with ADSI. To see a table explaining more about each class and its attributes, click the class name.

The columns in the tables in the following topics should be interpreted as follows:

Attribute Description
LDAP name Name of the attribute as used by LDAP. This matches the "Description" of the attribute in the Microsoft Exchange schema. See The Description Property.
Microsoft Exchange name The name of the attribute in the Microsoft Exchange directory schema.
Mandatory Whether the attribute must be present on the object.
Heuristics The Heuristics of the attribute as described in The Heuristics Property.
ACL The access category of the attribute as described in The ACL Property.
Syntax The syntax of the attribute. Values for Syntax can include the following:

Boolean: Attributes with a Boolean syntax can have the value TRUE or FALSE.

Integer: Any integer value.

String(Unicode): A Unicode string.

String(Numeric): A numeric string.

String(Octet): A binary string. According to LDAP, binary attributes are supported using the string encoding of their binary representation.

Object(DS-DN): A distinguished name (DN) in rfc1779 format; for example: cn=jsmith,ou=redmond,o=microsoft,c=us.

Comment A comment on the attribute.