The WINWRAP library (WINWRAP.LIB, with the WINWRAP.H header file) contains functions used to create a service from a Windows application without writing your own WinMain function and window message loop. The resulting application will be a Windows NT Server (32-bit) service.
WINWRAP defines a WinMain function that performs the following tasks:
Optionally creates a minimized service application icon on the desktop. To implement this function, pass NOTSERV and the name of the service from the Windows NT Registry.
Creates an hServiceStopEvent event object used to signal a shutdown of the service. This event object is initialized to FALSE (not signaled). You can get a copy of this event handle by calling the GetServiceStopEvent function.
Calls HrServiceStartup if the minimized window and hServiceStopEvent are created successfully. Otherwise it terminates the program.
Creates a new thread to run ServiceMain if HrServiceStartup returns TRUE.
Processes messages with the message loop.
Signals the hServiceStopEvent event object when the service is stopped or Close is selected from the system menu of the minimized service application icon.