Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Routing Objects

Developers can create and manage maps, control process instances, and more by using Microsoft Exchange routing objects. These are dual-interface COM objects that allow simple programmability from C++, Visual Basic, or scripting languages such as VBScript.

Microsoft Exchange routing objects are designed to be used in conjunction with Microsoft Collaboration Data Objects (CDO), version 1.2.1. Many of the data types used in the following topics (for example, Message and Folder) are defined in Collaboration Data Objects.

The scripts actions that you write can use Routing Objects at run-time to manipulate the current route and its associated data items. At run-time, the Routing Engine passes a RouteDetails object to the script engine. Your script can obtain all the other relevant run-time objects from this intrinsic object.

Some of the Routing Objects can also be independently created, as "top-level" objects. This is most useful at design-time, in applications that create and manipulate routes and routing maps.

Object Hierarchy for Routing











